Most read story about MSN Names:
MSN Screen Name Trick - Have a blank/invisible MSN Name!
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News > Christmas MSN Names, Xmas MSN Screen Names and Nick Names!
Christmas MSN Names, Xmas MSN Screen Names and Nick Names!
Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 (23:36:15) (18791 reads)
With Christmas so close, we're going to be adding a lot of Christmas content for MSN Messenger! First up, we have added a brand new Christmas MSN Names where you can grab all the Xmas MSN screen Names and Nick Names! To check out Christmas Nicknames, just go to the Christmas MSN Names page. You can also add your own Christmas related MSN Nicks and Display Names by Submitting your MSN Names! We'll also be adding loads of Christmas MSN Display Pictures, Animated Xmas MSN Emoticons and Icons so stay tuned! |
MSN Messenger Nick Names
More about MSN Names Most read story about MSN Names: MSN Screen Name Trick - Have a blank/invisible MSN Name!
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