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News > WLM aka MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA version 8.0.0365
WLM aka MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA version 8.0.0365
Posted by admin on Monday, December 12, 2005 (04:53:17) (33907 reads)
The MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA has been updated to build 8.0.0365. This new build is said to include the new Contact Renaming functionality introduced in Version 8.0. This feature, like similar features in add-ons such as Messenger Plus, allows you to assign custom nicknames to your contacts. This can be very handy for identifying MSN Messenger contacts who are regularly changing their nicknames, like to display lyrics and count downs in their nicknames, or maybe have ridiculously long MSN nicknames! More about the features and functions can be found at the MSN Messenger 8.0 page! |
MSN Messenger 8.0
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