Most read story about MSN Names:
MSN Screen Name Trick - Have a blank/invisible MSN Name!
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News > MSN Name Maker Added: Make MSN Nicknames
MSN Name Maker Added: Make MSN Nicknames
Posted by admin on Sunday, January 22, 2006 (04:57:38) (14184 reads)
A new MSN Names tools has been added to the website: the MSN Name Maker! This tool helps you with making an MSN Name for yourself. You simply enter your name and the MSN Nickname Maker will make nicknames for you! You can always find the MSN Name Maker from our Main Menu to your left, or directly go to the MSN Name Maker Making a fresh MSN Name has never been easier with the MSN Name Maker! Here is an example of MSN Nicknames made for someone named 'John' by the MSN Names Maker: Cool and Funny Names
We hope you enjoy using the Name Maker for MSN! |
MSN Messenger Nick Names
More about MSN Names Most read story about MSN Names: MSN Screen Name Trick - Have a blank/invisible MSN Name!
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