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News > Microsoft takes down MSN Messenger 7.5.0322
Microsoft takes down MSN Messenger 7.5.0322
Posted by admin on Thursday, January 26, 2006 (02:10:38) (29082 reads)
MSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

A new post has appeared on the Messenger Support Space which states that MSN Messenger 7.5.0322 (the build designed to fix sign-in errors) has been pulled down and reverted back to MSN Messenger 7.5.0311 due to Error 80048883 which prevents users from logging into Messenger.

The post also states that they are working to analyze the cause of Error 80048883 in order to find a solution that can successfully Fix the problem.

MSN Messenger users have been plagued with many different sign-in errors, many of them know only by their cryptic error codes. Here is a list of the currently known MSN Messenger Error Codes.

  • MSN Error 80048820
  • MSN Error 81000314
  • MSN Error 80072ee6
  • MSN Error 80072efd
  • MSN Error 81000314
  • MSN Error 0x80072f78
  • MSN Error 0x80072eff

We'll be adding updates on how to fix these various errors very shortly.

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