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News > Finland records Millionth MSN Messenger user
Finland records Millionth MSN Messenger user
Posted by admin on Thursday, January 26, 2006 (23:17:41) (6247 reads)

Microsoft's popular instant messaging client, MSN Messenger has recorded its Millionth Messenger User in Finland this month!

This comes as the number of MSN Messenger users in Finland grew by a whopping 84% since January 2005!

Other statistics show that the service is becoming more prevalent among older users, particularly those aged between 25 and 34.

MSN Messenger has achieved an astonishing growth rate in Finland, where the total population is only 5.3 Million. This means that an estimated 1 out of every 5 Finns is an MSN Messenger user!

Since the end of World War II, Finland has made a notable alteration from a vastly farming nation, to that of a modern and industrial country.

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