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News > Windows Live Messenger Final: coming today!
Windows Live Messenger Final: coming today!
Posted by admin on Monday, June 19, 2006 (10:38:27) (4798 reads)
Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0

The big day is finally here, the final version of Windows Live Messenger is set to roll out sometime today (within the next 10 or so hours)!

It's been quite a while since the original original Windows Live announcement in October 2005 and those early MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA leaks - Messenger 8.0 has come a long way!

Strangely enough there is still no mention of the Yahoo Messenger interoperability (which has yet to be BETA tested). One possibility is that it will be released at a later stage along with a version of Yahoo Messenger which is compatible with Windows Live and MSN Messenger.

This version will no longer be a BETA, but no other specifiec details are available yet, but we're sure to find out very soon as the Live Messenger 8.0 download becomes available! For the latest news and downloads visit our Messenger 8.0 Page!

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