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News > MSN Add-on: CE/DP Stealer for MSN Messenger 6 & 7
MSN Add-on: CE/DP Stealer for MSN Messenger 6 & 7
Posted by admin on Sunday, September 11, 2005 (18:33:47) (9739 reads)
CE/DP Stealer for MSN Messenger is an extremely popular add-on for MSN Messenger 6 and 7 that lets you STEAL your MSN Messenger contact's custom content such as MSN Emoticons and Display Pictures. We have added the CE/DP Stealer to the MSN Messenger 7 category of the website, you can take a look and download it from the CE/DP Stealer section! |
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Most read story about MSN Add-ons: Font Color Changer for Messenger updated to v1.4 - change MSN text colors
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