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Animated MSN Text Emoticons - Free Animated MSN Words Emotions!
Posted by admin on Thursday, September 29, 2005 (21:06:49) (100189 reads)
Animated MSN Emoticons

As requested, here are some new Animated Text MSN Emoticons! MSN Text Emoticons are basically phrases or animated words for use as MSN Messenger Emoticons. These words and text emoticons are used to express your emotions or just replace the standard text with cool animated pictures and icons! Here are some samples of what the animated text emotions for MSN looks like!

MSN Text Emoticons Animated MSN Words Animated MSN Emotions Words and Text Animated glitter MSN Words Animated text Emotions for MSN Messenger

Unfortunately these animated MSN emoticons do not come with an automatic installer yet, we have added the animated MSN gifs in a zip file and you will need to add these to MSN Messenger yourself (They work in MSN 7.0 and MSN 7.5). This way you also have more control over which animated msn text emoticons should replace which words in your MSN Messenger conversations.

> Download Free Animated MSN Words and Text Emoticons

This pack contains 15 free Animated text and words MSN Emoticons in GIF format.

For more MSN Animations and Animated MSN Smileys you can go ahead and check out our vast collection of Animated Emoticons.

Please note that the Animated Emoticons and Animations included in this pack are intended for use with MSN Messenger 7 (is MSN 7.0 or MSN 7.5) and will not work for older MSN Messenger versions such as MSN 6. This also means that if you send the Emoticons to an MSN 6 user, he or she will not be able to see the Animations in MSN.

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MSN EmoticonsAnimated MSN EmoticonsMSN Messenger 7 & MSN 7.5

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MSN Messenger is a product of Microsoft Corporation. This website is not affiliated with Microsoft.
The free MSN Display Pictures, Animated MSN Emoticons, MSN Names, MSN Winks and other content should not be copied without permission.