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News > MSN Messenger contact list size limit doubled again!
MSN Messenger contact list size limit doubled again!
Posted by admin on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 (01:17:17) (13766 reads)

Microsoft has once again increased the MSN Messenger contact list capacity by 200%! This means that you can now have up to 600 buddies on your MSN Contact List!

Earlier this year, the MSN Buddy List limit was doubled. This is a large increase in a short period of time, comparing to last years limit of 150 Contacts.

This change should become effective on most, if not all, MSN Messenger clients. But be aware that the larger your contact list is, the longer it will take to sign into MSN Messenger!

The MSN Messenger Contact List size was doubled to 300 contacts in March of 2005.

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