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News > MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA Registration - MSN 8.0 BETA
MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA Registration - MSN 8.0 BETA
Posted by admin on Saturday, October 22, 2005 (03:15:04) (22504 reads)
The MSN Messenger 8.0 is expected to begin in November of this year. This latest version of MSN Messenger is expected to introduce the much anticipated interoperability with Yahoo Messenger. A BETA sign-up page for the MSN 8.0 program was discovered at before an official announcement from Microsoft. The page was later removed. You can now enroll for the MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA via Microsoft Connect. More details on how to sign-up for the MSN 8.0 BETA coming very shortly! |
MSN Messenger 8.0
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