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News > Sign-up for the MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA - MSN 8.0 BETA
Sign-up for the MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA - MSN 8.0 BETA
Posted by admin on Saturday, October 22, 2005 (03:27:39) (30549 reads)
Windows Live / MSN Messenger 8.0

Important: You can find out the latest news about Messenger 8.0 from MSN Messenger 8.0 Section!

You can now sign-up for the MSN 8.0 BETA via Microsoft Connect.

Microsoft Connect is Micorosft's Product Development Collaboration website where users test upcoming Microsoft products before they are released. Signing up for the MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA also gives you the chance to test other upcoming products such as MSN Toolbar, MSN Messenger, and MSN Explorer.

Simply head over to http://connect.microsoft.com/ and use the following invitation codes to sign up for the MSN 8 BETA in your country.

  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Australia: AU-X8FG-XWR9
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Austria: AU-B86F-P6HH
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Belgium: BE-BFFD-FMV7
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Brazil: BR-MJYQ-DCRB
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Canada: CA-8VPP-8W8V
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for China: CH-4PYP-H4D4
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for France: FR-XJGB-JV79
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Germany: GER-JJBM-9VFY
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Israel: ISR-3H7B-F4HP
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Italy: IT-3FCK-D8XM
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Japan: JA-DT6D-9YCY
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Korea: KO-9BV2-T2BP
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Netherlands: NE-3G4X-4M84
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Portugal: POR-FP8C-9M9F
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for Spain: SP-RKFT-CV2X
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for United Kingdom: UK-HQ69-6JBQ
  • MSN Messenger 8.0 BETA for United States: US-64JX-J2HJ

More MSN 8.0 BETA invitation codes for other countries should be available shortly!

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