Most read story about MSN Names:
MSN Screen Name Trick - Have a blank/invisible MSN Name!
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News > MSN Messenger Names back up! MSN Names downtime
MSN Messenger Names back up! MSN Names downtime
Posted by admin on Sunday, October 30, 2005 (02:40:05) (6220 reads)
As some of you noticed (and reported), our MSN Messenger Names section was down for a few hours today as we performed some routine maintenance. Everything should be operating normally as of now. We have not been adding much MSN Names lately, but big updates to the Nicknames section are planned for next week, so stay tuned! Have you got good MSN Names? Then why not share them with everyone else by submitting your MSN Names! |
MSN Messenger Nick Names
More about MSN Names Most read story about MSN Names: MSN Screen Name Trick - Have a blank/invisible MSN Name!
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